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Top HIIT Workouts for Beginners

Top HIIT Workouts for Beginners

High-intensity interval training (HIIT) is a great way to burn calories, build endurance, and get fit in less time. This workout method has become popular due to its effectiveness and efficiency. If you’re new to this type of training, we will help you get started with HIIT workouts.

What is HIIT?

HIIT stands for High-Intensity Interval Training, a form of exercise that alternates short bursts of intense activity with periods of less intense recovery. Whether you’re aiming to lose weight, build muscle, or just get fitter, HIIT offers versatility and adaptability, making it perfect for beginners.

Starting a new workout regimen can be challenging, especially for beginners, but HIIT makes it manageable. With sessions typically ranging from 15 to 30 minutes, you can fit HIIT into your schedule. Plus, you don’t need specialized equipment to get started.

Top HIIT Workouts for Beginners

Bodyweight Circuit

Bodyweight exercises are a fantastic way to get started with HIIT.


  • Jumping Jacks
  • Push-Ups
  • Bodyweight Squats
  • Mountain Climbers


  • 30 seconds work
  • 30 seconds rest
  • Repeat 3–4 times


Core-Focused HIIT

Focusing on the core can help improve balance and stability.


  • Plank
  • Bicycle Crunches
  • Russian Twists
  • Leg Raises


  • 40 seconds work
  • 20 seconds rest
  • Repeat 2-3 times

HIIT Workouts with Equipment

Dumbbell HIIT

Adding dumbbells can increase the intensity and effectiveness of your HIIT workouts.


  • Dumbbell Squats
  • Shoulder Presses
  • Bent-Over Rows
  • Goblet Squats


  • 30 seconds work
  • 30 seconds rest
  • Repeat 3–4 times


Resistance Band HIIT

Resistance bands are great for adding variety and intensity.


  • Band Squats
  • Band Rows
  • Band Thrusters
  • Band Lateral Walks


  • 40 seconds work
  • 20 seconds rest
  • Repeat 3–4 times


Cardio-Based HIIT

Running Interval HIIT

Incorporate HIIT into your running routine for added benefits.


  • Sprint for 30 seconds
  • Walk or jog for 1 minute


  • 6-8 intervals


HIIT on a bike or treadmill

Using gym equipment can also be effective for HIIT workouts.


  • High resistance/pedaling fast for 20 seconds
  • Low resistance/easy pedaling for 40 seconds


  • 10-12 intervals


How to Get Started with HIIT

Assess Your Fitness Level

Before starting any HIIT program, understanding your fitness level is crucial. Perform a fitness test or consult with a professional. If you have existing medical conditions, it’s best to consult with a healthcare provider.

Set Realistic Goals

Set both short-term and long-term goals to track your progress. Celebrate milestones to keep yourself motivated.

Create a Schedule

A sample weekly schedule might look like this:

MondayHIIT Session
TuesdayRest or do light yoga
WednesdayHIIT Session
ThursdayStrength Training
FridayHIIT Session
WeekendRest or active recovery

Tips for Success and Staying Motivated

Vary Your Workouts

Mix up exercises and formats to keep things interesting. Try different HIIT routines or integrate them with other fitness activities.

Listen to Your Body

Rest and recovery are crucial. Pay attention to your body’s signals to avoid burnout and injuries.

Community and Support

Finding a workout buddy or joining a fitness class can provide added motivation. Use social media and fitness apps to stay connected and inspired.

Sample Beginner HIIT Workout Plan

1 – 2 Week

  • Frequency: 2 HIIT sessions per week
  • Focus: Basic bodyweight exercises
  • Goal: Learn the proper form

3 -4 Week

  • Frequency: 3 HIIT sessions per week
  • Introduction: Minimal equipment like dumbbells or resistance bands

 5–6 Week

  • Progression: Advanced bodyweight exercises or cardio-based HIIT
  • Adjustments: Shorten rest periods or increase intensity gradually


HIIT offers numerous benefits, especially for beginners looking to improve their fitness efficiently. It’s versatile, time-saving, and highly effective. Ready to start your HIIT journey? Join Nonstop Fitness for classes and resources tailored to your fitness goals.